
Is Solar Legal in Florida? Everything You Need to Know

The Bright Side: Solar Power Laws in the Sunshine State

As resident sunshine state, thought harnessing power sun energy nothing awe-inspiring. But is solar legal in Florida? Let`s shed some light on the matter and explore the legal landscape of solar power in this beautiful state.

State Laws

Florida has come a long way in terms of solar power legislation. In 2016, the state passed Amendment 4, which exempted renewable energy devices, including solar panels, from property taxes. This move was a game-changer, making solar installations more affordable for homeowners and businesses.

Metering Policies

Net metering allows solar panel owners to sell excess energy back to the grid, providing a financial incentive for investing in solar power. In Florida, net metering is available for residential and commercial customers, enabling them to offset their electricity costs with the energy they produce from their solar panels.


While state laws provide a solid foundation for solar power, local regulations and homeowners` associations (HOAs) can sometimes present hurdles for solar installations. However, Florida law prohibits HOAs from outright banning solar panels, ensuring that residents have the right to harness solar energy on their properties.

Case Study: Orlando`s Solar Initiatives

Orlando shining example embracing solar energy. In 2017, the city set a goal to run entirely on renewable energy by 2050, with a specific focus on solar power. This bold initiative has paved the way for other Florida cities to prioritize clean energy and create a more welcoming environment for solar installations.


With the cost of solar panels continuing to decrease and the demand for clean energy on the rise, the future of solar power in Florida looks brighter than ever. The state`s commitment to renewable energy and the ongoing advancements in solar technology are set to make solar power an integral part of Florida`s energy landscape.

So, solar legal Florida? Answer resounding yes. With favorable state laws, net metering policies, and a growing acceptance of solar energy, Florida is undoubtedly a solar-friendly state. Sunshine state lives name, potential solar power limitless.

Contract: Legality Florida

In consideration of the current laws and regulations in the state of Florida regarding solar power, the undersigned parties hereby enter into this legal contract.

Party A Party B
[Party A Name] [Party B Name]

[Party A Address]

[Party A Email]

[Party A Phone Number]

[Party B Address]

[Party B Email]

[Party B Phone Number]

Terms Conditions

1. Party A and Party B acknowledge and agree that the installation and use of solar power systems in the state of Florida is subject to the applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to the Florida Solar Rights Act and the Florida Building Code.

2. Party A represents that they have the legal authority to install and operate a solar power system on the property located at [Property Address], and shall obtain any necessary permits and approvals in compliance with local and state regulations.

3. Party B agrees to provide any necessary documentation or information required by Party A to facilitate the installation and operation of the solar power system.

4. Party A and Party B hereby indemnify and hold harmless each other from any claims, damages, or liabilities arising from the installation, operation, or maintenance of the solar power system, to the extent permitted by law.

5. This contract governed laws state Florida, disputes arising relating contract resolved arbitration accordance rules American Arbitration Association.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned parties have executed this contract as of the date first written above.

Signed by Party A: ___________________________ Signed by Party B: ___________________________
Date: ___________________________ Date: ___________________________

Is Solar Legal in Florida? 10 Burning Questions Answered

Question Answer
1. Can I install solar panels on my property in Florida? Absolutely! Florida law allows for the installation of solar panels on residential and commercial properties.
2. Are restrictions size placement solar panels? As long as the solar panels comply with local zoning and building codes, there are generally no restrictions on size or placement.
3. Do I need a permit to install solar panels in Florida? Yes, a permit is required for the installation of solar panels in Florida. It`s important to ensure all necessary permits are obtained before installation.
4. Can homeowners` associations (HOAs) prevent me from installing solar panels? No, Florida law prohibits HOAs from preventing homeowners from installing solar panels, as long as they comply with certain guidelines.
5. Are there any tax incentives for installing solar panels in Florida? Absolutely! Florida offers several tax incentives, including a property tax exemption for the added value of solar panels and a sales tax exemption on solar energy systems.
6. Can I sell excess energy generated by my solar panels back to the grid? Yes, Florida law allows for net metering, which means you can sell excess energy back to the grid and receive credits on your utility bill.
7. Are there any financing options available for installing solar panels in Florida? Yes, there are various financing options available, including loans, leases, and power purchase agreements, to help make solar panel installation more affordable.
8. What happens if my solar panels cause damage to my property or someone else`s property? You may be held liable for any damage caused by your solar panels. It`s important to ensure proper installation and maintenance to prevent potential damage.
9. Can take solar panels move new property? Yes, you can typically take your solar panels with you if you move to a new property, but it`s important to check local regulations and obtain any necessary permits.
10. Are there any ongoing maintenance requirements for solar panels in Florida? While solar panels generally require minimal maintenance, it`s important to regularly clean and inspect them to ensure optimal performance.