
OTP Based

Registration & Login Plugin
(OTP login Moodle)

Give your users a feel of OTP based systems of modern days on your Moodle platform. They deserve this.

OTP login Moodle

When your Moodle website is powered by this plugin, users can use OTP based sign-up system and you know what follows. It lets your user login on to your website simply with their mobile number. No more password or email required.

Passwordless login with SMS/OTP

OTP Based Gateway is a SMS Gateway which enables a computer to send and receive SMS text messages to and from a SMS capable device over the global telecomunications network.

The purpose of this guide is to configure OTP Based Gateway for OTP Verification. You can configure Twilio Gateway for OTP Verification using below steps.

After being registered on Twilio, login to Twilio using your credentials. Open your dashboard.

From your Twilio dashboard and pick your Twilio account SID, Auth Token & Phone Number. You will need to enter your account SID, Twilio Auth Token and Twilio Phone number in plugin settings or Configurations of the OTP login plugin for Moodle/ OTP login Moodle plugin .  Please check the steps shown as screenshots below (First one is of Twilio, the next ones are of OTP login plugin of Moodle). 

Now, please install the OTP login Moodle plugin.

Then, please go to

Administration / Plugins / Authentication/ Manage authentication

turn on the OTP Based Register & Login Plugin and click settings.

Put the settings below:

And click save changes. You are done.

OTP login Moodle